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IDOB Fee Assessment Calculator

If you are part of a multi-bank holding company, you must calculate the assessment for each bank individually and sum the results. While fees are collected quarterly, the quarterly assessments may fluctuate substantially because they are based on actual operating expenses of the division for each quarter. Banking Division's appropriation is $ for the fiscal year ( - ). $ for the fiscal year ( - ). Here is an FAQ about the fee assessment.

Quarter , FY
(, )
Total Asset

Enter your bank's total balance sheet assets here (in thousands): (, Call Report Schedule RC--Line 12)

Total Asset

Enter your bank's total balance sheet assets here (in thousands): (March 31, Call Report Schedule RC--Line 12)

CAMELS Composite Rating

Enter your bank's CAMELS composite rating at the last State exam, if known, if not, leave blank:

Trust Asset

If you conduct trust activities, enter your total trust assets (in thousands). If not, leave at 0: (Dec 31, Call Report Schedule RC-T--Sum of lines Column A, Line 10; Column B, Line 10; Column B, Line 11; and Memoranda 3 line h)

Trust Asset

If you conduct trust activities, enter your total trust assets (in thousands). If not, leave blank: (Dec 31, Call Report Schedule RC-T--Sum of lines Column A, Line 10; Column B, Line 10; Column B, Line 11; and Memoranda 3 line h)

Annual Results

The result below is your projected FY administrative fee assessment.

This fee assessment schedule and algorithms became effective on July 1, 2002. Last minor update was May 6, 2022

Quarter Results

The result below is your actual quarter , administrative fee assessment.

This fee assessment schedule and algorithms became effective on July 1, 2002. Last minor update was May 6, 2022